Saturday, March 30, 2013

Scraping a Across Canada ( Taking Form )

Scrapping Across Canada ( Taking Form )
Scrapping Across Canada is an idea dreamt up by Michael Englmann. His intent now is to heighten  awareness of better recycling practices across Canada in order to help greatly reduce and some day maybe even eliminate individual and commercial carbon footprints left by current out dated and inefficient waste management practices, thereby; insuring the continued well being of our precious environment for thousands of years to come.
Michael is the owner of  ihaul Waste Management Incorporated  ( www.ihauljunk.caand has been involved in the recycling of waste for over 20 years. His idea includes the development of a website that would serve as a central hub for people all across the Canada and the globe that are interested in getting  new ideas on how to get involved  in recycling or just improving their current recycling practices. The site will be a buffet of great ideas and educational information including advertisement from companies and individuals that are offering and practising efficient recycling systems big and small. The site would also include a great forum for everyone to share their ideas.
Michael new this would take a lot of work to collect and compiled all the knowledge to date on current practices abroad. He figured that the best way to collect this information would be to experience it first hand by driving across Canada and seeing for himself.
So, Michael Englmann being the kind and compassionate soul he is dropped what he was doing to volunteer his time to take on this daunting task. It did not matter to him how long it took because he knew in his heart that it was the right thing to do in order to protect our planet.  He thought of it as taking one for the team. 
He decided that he should take this journey on his own. He said this would serve two purposes. The first one would be to reducing travel expenses as he went about collecting the valuable information for the purpose of renewing Canada’s scrap polluted environment and second to renew his own body, mind and soul that he considered to be infected with large amounts of polluting scrap that resulted from being exposed to 20 years of high stress levels, exaggerated busyness and fear.

He figured that the two environments went hand in hand, the one outside us and the one within us. Michael figured that each environment needed the other to co exist successfully. He thought that if we all worked on cleaning our inner environment by being more aware of our thoughts and inner waste management practices we could project more goodness out of ourselves. He thought that our outer environment was a reflection of our inner environment. Both can and should be cleaned simultaneously.
He decided that his trip must be self sustaining  by supporting itself through his given efforts to search for and collect scrap, thereby having all trip expenses paid for entirely by the proceeds that are generated by cashing in on scrap metal that would be donated by individuals and commercial companies showing interest in the program themselves. 
If you are interested in following this story you can visit Michael’s Blog at:
Please check out his other blog that is filled with his own Pro's and Poetry  at: Here you will also find a summary of the book he wrote along his journey called " Imagine Nothing "
If you have difficulty finding my blog please go to: first. This is google’s dedicated search engine for locating blogspot  blogs.
Thank you for your support
Michael Englmann
416-824-7880 / /

P.S. I am looking for sponsors so if you are interested in supporting Michael, please contact him directly. He would love to hear from you.

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