Saturday, March 30, 2013

Thunder Bay ( second entry )

Hey everyone. Thankyou for reading my blog. Its nice to have your support.

I am leaving Thunder Bay on Sunday Morning after I enjoy a nice cup of Pike Place Coffee at one of my fav coffee shops, StarBucks.

I would like to thank all the kind people that went out of their way to help me by listening to my story and donating scrap metal.

Thank you Patti ( Manager ) at the TravelLodge for letting me have a shower and take a swim in your pool.

Thank you Rocky ( Manager ) at Montana's Cook House for treating me to a delish dinner.

Thank you to the Guys at Minute Muffler for all the scrap metal and for repairing my exhaust for next to nothing.

Thank you Lorne ( Manager ) at Laine and Fairbairn Radiator and Gas tank repair Shop for fixing the hole in my gas tank for free and for giving me some scrap metal.

Thank you Guys at LakeHead Motors ( Dodge Dealership ) for giving me a large amount of scrap metal.

Thank you Shawn ( Manager ) at Real Canadian SuperStore for giving me scrap metal and a 50.00 gift card to help me with food expenses.

Thank you to Gorg ( Manager ) at SafeWay for giving me 40.00 in support of my jouney.

Thank you to Mel ( Manager ) at Metro for giving me some scrap metal.

Thank you Bob ( Manager ) at Bob's Fireplaces for giving me some scrap metal

Thank you Guys at New Method insulation and Supply for giving me a little scrap metal

Thank you Michael ( Manager ) at Victoria Inn for giving me some scrap metal

Thank you to the guys cleaning up the Sports Mart that closed down for the scrap metal.

Thank you to April at Part Source for showing interest in my jouney and visiting my blog.

None of this would be possible for the Hard working fellows at Harbour Metals who bought the scrap I collected. Thank you Guys

Thank you to StarBucks for all the delish coffee and great conversations and moral support.

Thank you to the wonderful older gentleman that I met at StarBucks one morning who gave me 20.00 in support of my journey. I think his name was Larry.

Thunder Bay is filled with a lot of kind people. Thank you again to everyone.

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